So this week we had zone conference. It was really good but it didn’t even seem like it was conference. But it was really spiritual and the mission is changing things up a little bit with the way we count our numbers and stuff, but it was really good. I again learned more from President Lindhall. He is such an awesome man and I know he truly does receive revelation for us in this mission. He shared a lot of stories from his mission, and things from his experiences and how we can apply it to us. It was good. Then the next day we had our interviews with him and he called me into his office and I saw I had things written below my picture on the paper that he had in front of him. That made me a little nervous. Then he sat down and started into a little small talk, and then said that in front of him he had notes from the zone leaders, my district leader, and companion about me. He asked me if I had any idea if I knew what they might say and I had no idea. The day before at conference he said elders had been lying to him about things and he knew the whole time, so that made me even more nervous cause I really had no idea. So I said I had no idea, and that honestly I have been trying my hardest and doing the best I can but if it says something differently then I will change, cause my leaders have the outside view and will know better. And he said let me read them. And he went down the list of compliments of being a hard worker and obedient and they all said I was ready for the next level and things on that line.
It made me feel so much better I was really nervous for a second, but afterwards I felt good and President told me that its all true facts about me and that I am ready for the next level. And he said I will maybe get moved cause I have been here forever but I will go up and he asked if I knew how to use the district leader verifying papers and said if I have questions about them to ask him or other elders in my pensh. So I will definitely go up to senor comp solo not shared, or district leader.... and he said that if I stay he wants me to train.... wow!! I am still new and he wants me to train, he asked my zone leaders if I was ready for that, and they said for sure he is. So that is a possibility. Also next transfer if I don’t train next, I will be one or both of the others and then the transfer after that I will be training. I am really excited things keep getting better and funner and it looks like it will continue to get that way in my future transfers. He said before a year I will be in lots of leadership positions. Its really cool how much confidence he has in me. I just hope that I keep improving on things and I don’t level out. But that all was really good and a confidence booster.
Also its kinda funny Spanish is starting to feel more like a second language to me rather then a foreign language. But some days I don’t know what happens, but I can’t understand a thing! Then other days I understand every word. But that really makes me feel good about things some days and other days I get A little frustrated and don’t know what the deal is. But it is really funny the things I have learned in just my short time on the mission. I was looking back and reading in my journal and I have learned a lot and already changed a lot. The impact of others on your life and the changes in others lives that impact yours and change yours is crazy and you don’t even realize it til after the fact.
So its about registration time around there for school. Is Sean going to be a HAWK or a BEAT DIGGER? Where is he registering and what are his plans and stuff? So now Lindsey is moving for sure? That’s hard.... but maybe Dane could hook me up with a sweet job making bank after the mission...? But thats forever away. But lately I have been thinkin a little about my future and schooling and stuff and I am not to sure what I want to do or am capable of doing since I limited myself a little from my slight lack of success in school before. I’m not trunky or unfocussed just thinking. I have lots of time I know, but just somethin I am thinkin about. Is Chris living back at home then? Everyone is doing well in schooling and work and stuff I am assuming and hoping?
Some things to possibly include in the package if ya could.... insoles for my shoes...(the ones here suck and rip after like two days with them) possibly gel insoles... a couple pair of socks for p day....postcard sized pictures of temples to give to investigators.....things from utah about utah to give to people in my areas.... copies of my hunting pictures....4x6 pictures of the family together, and possibly the same from the weddings of Austin, Ben and Lindsey to show to investigators who don’t want to get married and or have a problem with the law of chastity.... I really think this stuff would be good and help.
Thank you for everything I love you and miss you but I know there is no better place for me to be then here in Mendoza helping my brothers and sisters. Keep us in your prayers and help me with the spirit and the language.
Con Amor
Elder Bigelow
Dad, please do help Jason with this stuff. You are doing such an awesome
Thing. I am so happy and proud of him and this decision he is making to
Serve a mission. I was thinking about him the other day and what he was doing
With his life and now I know. And I am so happy and was really excited to hear that stuff. Keep me updated on it and tell him I say hi and am proud of him.
These are pictures of his last transfer