Monday, April 12, 2010

Wait there's one more letter!

Well I have been emailing every week and I just sent the emails again though and this time to more people so that you will hopefully get it this time.... that’s a little sad to me you have not been getting them. But its ok I forwarded them again so hopefully you get them this time. I think there is a problem with your email dad. And I just sent a letter today in the mail so you can be looking for that to come in a few weeks as well. But please send my new debit card I keep on forgetting to tell you but yes it does expire this month. So yeah, and I hope it gets here and not taken... ha but I guess we will see here in a few weeks.

This week was a pretty good week though. We taught a lot of lessons and helped people around their houses a bit and it was a lot of fun. And yesterday we had an activity in our zone where the whole zone comes to one area and goes on divisions with the ward members in that area to clean out the ward directory. To go by every family and see if they still live there and if they want the missionaries to come by and if there is any way that we can help them in any way. It was a huge success. We got some really good references of incomplete families, families with members that are not baptized and want us to come by and to teach them and just other people to wanting us to come by. Which is awesome, cause the mission made some new rules and made it so we had to drop a few of our investigators, but we were about to drop them anyways cause they were not progressing to much, and were just being complete ponchos about things that we were committing them to do. So its like we dropped them and then they were just immediately filled by other people new people to teach.

This one guy that we are teaching right now is awesome! He is living the dream pretty much. A random girl gave us the reference on the street one day and this last week we decided to go by and see if it was real cause we were close to his house. So we went by and he was there and wanted us to come in and gave us water and something to eat and listened to us teach the restoration and after he talked to us for awhile and said how he knows a lot about the church cause his girlfriend is a member and so he is investigating because of that. He wants to marry her but she won’t marry him because in her patriarchal blessing it says that she will only marry a member of the church. So he had her start teaching him a little and he went to church on his own, but not the one in my area and now is having us come and teach him. Wow it was really cool, and he told us how he really loves a lot of things in the church and accepts it all, except for one thing. When I heard that my heart dropped... the thing he does not accept right now is la ley de casidad. Talk about hard, he thinks that in this day and age that it is not good to have that commandment. That commandments have changed over time since the time of Moses and this is one that he thinks should be different. But we are teaching him and helping him to see the importance of it. Thankfully his girlfriend is being a good example and tells him no. But again look at how Satan works on people and closes their eyes and only allows them to see the worldly side of things and not the long term and spiritual aspect of things. He did not come to church yesterday but I really think that he could be baptized really soon. All he talked about on Saturday when we were with him was about baptism. So we will keep working with him and see where things go. And our other golden investigator still is coming to church but just wants to be sure of everything first before he commits to baptism but I think it will happen soon. Gido and Roberto are there names. Keep them in your prayers and all of our other investigators that they will progress and accept baptism.

But yeah this Gido kid with the problem with the law of chastity is like 25 or 30ish and lives alone with a way sweet house, sweet motorcyle, and is like an artist. He has a ton of money and just does what he wants. He is way cool. He invited us to have an asado at his house which we were way happy about because people have not been doing them anymore here like they were when I first got here to Argentina, because all the meat prices and wood for the asado has sky rocketed in the last couple months. It is ridiculous right now. And it is really hurting a lot of the members where they had to sell there houses just to have money to buy food and provide for their families and are now living in even worse conditions then what they were. And jobs here are hurting as well, and the doctors are on strike for not getting paid enough. We actually almost like ran into a riot today walking down the street here in downtown Mendoza in front of a government building. Pretty crazy stuff.

Speaking of, the hospitals here are way sketchy!! I went into one the other day to go give this guy a blessing. And there were like policemen in there with their guns and rifles and shotguns and stuff and the people are just dying cause the medical care here is horrible and if they make it out of the hospital chances are they get a nasty infection and its bad. I felt horrible for this guy and his family, that they don’t get they medical care that is necessary or anything. It just really makes me count my blessings for the country and state that I was born in and the amazing family and friends that I had to raise me and to give me examples and to help me all throughout my life.

We were walking to a lesson the other day and were on one of the main roads in our area and lots of taxis and cars are always driving on it. And a taxi went to make a left had turn and did not see a guy coming on his motorcycle and hit him. And the guy on the moto went flying about 25 feet and did a flip and landed right on the back of his head. He had a helmet on but it went flying about another hundred feet once he hit the ground and he was rolling and yelling in pain and got up and walked a couple feet then collapsed and like went into shock. And he was just like a bloody mess. Thankfully the police station was only like a block away and the hospital another like 10 away from that. So they got there pretty quick. But his arm and leg were for sure broken and stuff but I think he will and is ok. Just was crazy to see it right in front of us. And was the second we have seen in like 5 weeks.

I am doing great and I have zone conference tomorrow I am way excited and will be having my interview with prez. He has been emailing me a lot and telling me how I am going to be a leader and helping new missionaries a lot and stuff so I think something could be in the mix here. I am currently senior comp in my area so I dunno we will see what happens. And his daughter is in our stake? But his last name is Lindhall. And the area 70 authority is Bowen.... so you’re sure its not his daughter? But that is way cool that she will come here and bring stuff from you all I am excited. And you keep meeting these people like the Australian gold medalist. Why are you not hookin me up in some way or another? ha-ha chiste. But seriously.

Well fam. I love you and I hope you get this email if not I will be sending it to more then dad so that someone has it to forward to everyone. Keep up the prayers and our investigators in them as well. I love you all and miss you. You’re the best and I am so blessed to have so many amazing people and examples in my life!!!

Con Amor
Elder Bigelow

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