Monday, November 29, 2010

Mucho Trabajo

November 22, 2010

thanks for the emails and the annocnments i am happy to hear everything that is going on!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! that was my first meal wiht a member last year was thanksgiving. i am not really looking forward to doing much. maybe making a bunch of desserts in the pensh with the other gringo i live with but we will see what we will really do.

so these past two weeks i dont think i have worked harder in my entire life!! the mission is going for a record of 1000 baptisms, and everyone is working super hard and all the zone leaders are competing hard hard hard to win the cup. and i have been doing all i can with the zone to bring the most posible success we can and teaching them alot of things and everything possilbe. the past two weeks i have woked in my own area for about 4 hours in totall and the whole other time was in other areas with my comp helping the elders out and preparing investigators for batism. and thus far it has worked alot. we talked alot about the price we are willing to pay for the lord. and i have been paying it trying to have success and break records here in the mission. leaving my area behind and barely eating if eating at all some days. and we are in the norhern province of our misson and everyday it is over 100 degrees. and we dont take breaks for anything. we are just going and going and going. but i have been sleeping like a baby every night just to wake up to leave earlier and work longer. and it has been working out. we had a record of investigators in church with a baptismal date, then the mission has seen for one week. so that was really good and we are expecting to have a huge last week of november to win the cup we hope. we have been in the lead the whole month and this last weekend we have alot of possibilities of people to get baptized and us to go up even more and to break some records so we will see what will haplpen i am excited and a little stressed but i am loving it. it is so much fun.

last week i went out to this little pueblo next to the mountains. it is all bolivians here to work in the vineyards and stuff. and they are super humble and amazing people. i dont think i have been in such a humble beautiful place before in my life. but we used bikes and went and rode everywhere to visit everyone we possibly could. we put 8 fechas and had one of the most amazing day i have had in my mission. we went up to the base of the mountains in the vineyards in the middle of no where to teach this lady and her husband. and has had a hard team because her dad died 13 years ago and was not sure what was with him and stuff. i started explaining the spirit world and that he is recieving the exact same lessons as she is and she started balling and said to stop that she never had heard anything like that before and felt such a burning in her chest that she did not know what to do. i explained how she will see him again and that they will both be happy for excepting the gospel of christ in there lives and live together forever. she balled and said she knew it was true. we then prayed on our knees on the dirt floor and when we were done it was a mud floor from all the tears that fell. she prayed and it was amazing. then and there asked to know if it was true and the church is true and if her dad is happy with her taking these lessons if he is to. and she balled and balled and we all felt the spirit so strong and knew the presence of god was in the room and and it was unbelievable. she is getting baptized and has never been happier. it was amazing!!!

we then went to this lady whose two sons recently got baptized and we taught her at her house. where there are like thirty bolivian houses all smashed in the space of where one house should be. she is so humble and poor no beds or chairs. just tarps on the floor with a blanket. she is 35 and had her first son at 14. we taught her sitting on the floor indian style. and the spirit was so strong as my companion and i testified of christ his resurrection and that we all can live with him again through baptism and a remission of our sins. and she was not sure of baptism before but after she could not wait another day, and got baptized the next day. and she weeped at her baptism and it was so special. such a special special night and experiences with her.

then this week i went to work with elder bills, my old zone leader, but now is in my zone and going home in december. he has this family who is ready for baptism but wouldnt get baptized or come to church for several weeks. so i went out to help him. we read doctrine and convenants 9 prayed alot and alot. and we recieved revelation to talk about the law of chastity. and so we went out and taught it and found out that, it was that for the problem. and the mom did not see it as a problem and thought god would forgive her. and before i knew it i was speaking and explaining an example to her, that i didnt even know where it was going, but she was blown back and said ok i understand. and she looked at us and smiled and decided to obey it and be baptized. then right then the phone rang and her mom found her a job. something she had been looking for for months and god blessed her with it right as she made the desicion to be baptized and obey this commandment. it was so amazing and her with her two kids are getting baptized on saturday.
then the priceless other experiences we had this week in interviews and helping the other misionaries has been some of the best experiences in my mission. and my area is not even seeing success. but i am more happy then ever because my zone is taring it up and everyone will look again and think twice of san juan and know we are serious and mean business and who ever wants to come here had better be ready to baptize!!

tomorrow i am going to a mans house named miguel that has evil spirits in his house. and has some really sketchy stuff that has been happening so we are going over to give the home a blessing and he asked especially for elder ruiz and i. so i hope and pray that all will go well. and i know i will be protected and all will go well. i have dealt with worse and experienced worse. but with the power and authority from god, nothing will stop us. even more special this man is preparing for his baptism saturday as well. we are going for a record breaking weekend and will finish off our secret plan we have been working with and finish off a record month if all goes well and we are hoping it does!!

i love this work and am having a blast with it. i love you all and miss you!!! have fun on thanksgiving. telll everyone hi, and to enjoy the great food!!! and to keep an eye out for cute girls for me hahaha i love you all and hope you have a grateFUL week!! and i hope i do to....

con amor
elder bigelow

ps i got letters from the teachers quorom and stuff thanks i will be replying soon. and packages, i will keep an eye out for i am good with things for now. maybe G´s i could use. and i want a REAL salt lake jersey, and maybe a new utah jazz shirt with the new symbol.... but if not all is good

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