Friday, March 26, 2010

seis meses en la mision

March 22, 2010


Well I guess I will start by letting you know I had a baptism on Saturday cause I don’t think I told you. It was Diego the smoker we finally got him to stop and he was prepared for baptism and we got him in the water. We thought it would be more special for one of his friends in the ward to baptize him rather then us so we had that so neither of us got in the water with him. But that is not important. It was a really good one it was spiritual, but a little funny to. It took the guy five tries to get him completely under the water. But it happened and he was confirmed yesterday in church. It was really good. And this coming Saturday we have another baptism this lady Anna. She was thought to be a member for the last thirteen years but does not have registration so she had to be re taught and baptized and all again. Which is cool like a second chance. And she was happy about it. Its kinda funny cause the first time I met her about 12 weeks ago before we knew this. She had a hard time praying and had not prayed in years. But we talked and bore testimony and helped her and I thought to myself she will be baptized but I had no idea she was a member at this point. And I told my comp that I had a spiritual feeling that she will be baptized soon. And he laughed and said she was a member already. Then i forgot about it and just went on my way treating her like an inactive like she was. But she prayed and is active now... and what do ya know she has to be baptized again. Crazy!!! But the spirit works in mysterious ways.

Also this week I went to talk to these two ladies at a bus stop and they told me they don’t understand... I felt so dumb. So I explained I had only been here for four months and my Spanish is bad. With a blank look on their faces they said no we don’t understand you... we are from Brazil and speak Portuguese and don’t understand Spanish. Somehow I had a little convo with them told them to talk to the missionaries and gave them a pamphlet with the church email on it. But that was crazy. I guess Portuguese and Spanish are not as close as I thought.

Still am yet to get any pictures of my new nephew but whatever I did see him in the background of pictures of Noah’s birthday but that’s it. So I dunno..... and I know I speak very incorrect but its still better then most everyone else with my same time.... and the people understand me so that’s good. But thank you for offering your help dad and I am looking forward to it. Its funny I came to the mtc and had to learn Spanish, then here castellano, then I got here and had to learn argentine.... its funny it really is like there own language. So many words are different and mean different things. For example everywhere in the world pineapple is piña, here piña means punch in the face... ha-ha and so many more like Como le va... how are you. ha-ha I dunno its funny they are an awesome people. i love them. But that’s about all I got for now. I love you and am so grateful to have such an amazing family that has so much love and support. I wish I would have taken more advantage of the time I had with you all. I love you and miss you. Happy six months tomorrow. Still a long ways to go

Con Amor
Elder Bigelow

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