Monday, March 1, 2010

si yo sento el terremoto

hola como le van

Well first off I guess I can start with the big news. The earthquake, and yes it was huge!!! And Conception Chile is completely leveled! It is really sad seeing the stuff on the news about it. And over 700 dead and the count is still going. But that is good Dallan is all right. I thought about him and the other elders I know in Chile especially in Conception. I guess the tsunami missed Hawaii and one is going to hit Chile now. You just know the second coming is close with all this going on in the world. But yes I did feel it. I was a little sick over the weekend I am not sure what was wrong but I felt like I had something in my stomach grabbing and yanking on my organs. It hurt so bad! And I was constantly on the toilet. But I still did work because we needed to. We found some people in the street and needed to pass by them and some things had to be done so I still worked. But on Friday night I got up and had to go to the bathroom again and was sitting on the toilet... haha and was just feeling miserable and with pain and then I felt the ground start moving and the toilet and stuff and I thought I was hallucinating or something. I just thought wow, I am really sick!!! And after I went in my room, and mine and my comps beds were moved and I just thought we pushed off the wall or something but in the morning we got a phone call about it and then I put two and two together and thought freak!! I was in an earthquake. But yeah Chile got totally leveled its sad. And then Salta got hit as well, but not as bad. Chile was 8.8 on the scale they say and here it was about 4.5 so yeah no real damage and if there was it’s hard to tell. Everything is naturally damaged here. And in Salta I think it was like a 6.7 so pretty strong. But I am ok and all is well.

So this week we helped a blind 25 year old get on the bus and talked a little bit with him and he is a pretty big deal I guess. He knows a lot of famous people and is a pretty big example to me. About three years ago something happened and he went blind and just accepted it and has not been upset or anything and still does what he did before as much as he can. He is really cool. We are trying to teach him and talk to him but his brother and uncle will not let us in the house so it is a little hard and frustrating but still I was and am very impressed with this person.

We gave a blessing to a lady who is the aunt of one of the ward missionaries. And she is not a member and we have been teaching her a bit because she has had some hard times in her life and she was really sick on Friday and we gave her a blessing and right after she stood up and was totally fine. Before she looked like she was going to die. Sweating bullets, totally yellow and couldn’t even move. But she stopped sweating and sat up after and got out of bed and was balling her eyes out. I about fainted and was so amazed the spirit was really with us in this. We have had a couple other experiences like that to but little stronger and it is amazing. These people will be baptized some day...

I got the letters from the Barnes family tell them thank you very much. another is on the way for them. I also got Becky’s package thank you so much. It is funny the license plate I love it. If the jazz win it all, I will be so mad But happy too. I will want a shirt. Ok. But thanks.

Our most recent convert, Mirna. She has a lot of problems and is kinda sad. But has a strong testimony so that is good. And the other day we were talking about conference and things with her and she said she wants to write President Monson a letter to let him know about her money situation and the lights in her house and all her problems with the family and stuff. It was funny but really cool at the same time I was impressed. I don’t think she will. For one we don’t know the address or anything, but still.

Zone conference is this week I am excited. Always a good time. Everything is going good, and as far as the picture goes I dunno I have lost 16 pounds since arriving here in Argentina so I dunno about the boobs it just could be my huge pecks are starting to sag because I don’t have good enough equipment here to keep up my amazing physique. But don’t worry Austin, it still is better then your fat old married body. Haha, but yes I have lost 16 pounds so I don’t think its cause I am getting fat.

I love you all and keep up the prayers they are felt!!!

Con Amor
Elder Bigelow

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