Saturday, May 1, 2010

feliz dia de el trabajador

April 26, 2010

Family and friends

Well this week was really good and continued to get better everyday I think. Some days are hard and every single thing seems to fall through but the good outweighs the bad. We are still working with fanny and she is stopping smoking and has not smoked at all this week and is really excited about being baptized and is something special cause again this baptism will bring the family together more. She has not spoke to her daughter who is a member for 12 years but now they do and she wants to give a talk at the baptism so that will be really good. She is a way cool lady and is totally into everything. Reads a ton and loves it all, loves to learn new things.

This week I got letters from you all and it was really good to hear from you, especially cause it was the first time I have got a letter in about a month and a half. So this was such an energy booster and I loved it. Thank you so much for it. Very much so needed. I liked hearing about what everyone was up to and was a good family night activity I’m glad you are doing it more often now. Does the whole family do it and come over for it... cause that would be awesome and so much fun to do.

What real note from this week is one of the families we usually have lunch with every Sunday (one of the most awesome families you will meet) the mom passed away on Saturday and she was 46 years old. She had some sort of a disease for the past 27 years where she could die at any moment, but she trucked along and never let it get her down. She helps all the new gringo when they get here and stuff with there paper work so I got to know her quick and then I was in her ward. so it was cool. She has every elder from the beginning of time I swear that has been in this ward write in her journal and this week was my week to write in it cause I will probably be getting transferred and my Spanish I can write and feel alright comfortable with it and stuff. But she passed away Saturday evening. and has a 16 year old daughter who had a young women’s thing that night but her mom could not go cause she was in the hospital but wrote a letter to her daughter for her and her dad to read at the activity. And when it was over and they went back to the hospital she had passed away. It was really hard yesterday. It was missionary Sunday in the ward so I had to give another talk and they announced it to all those who didn’t know and it was a really depressing Sunday and was kinda hard for me to give my talk cause this family helped me so much and was so good to me. It was really sad for me... and brought back lots of memories from when I was thirteen. But its ok, I know things better now and have a stronger testimony. The funeral was yesterday as well cause they need to bury the body within 24 hours cause they don’t embalm them here.... so really fast before things got bad. it was really cool the dad and daughter in the last song it was families can be together forever and they stared each other right in the face the whole time and sang to each other with a huge smile on there faces. really cool to see that and was a really spiritual funeral service really well done. It was something that I won’t forget and really showed me the true love that I have gained for this people in the short time I have been here.

I am so grateful for you all and the letters and support. The best family ever. I miss you all and love you. I am excited to talk to ya soon. Tell everyone I say hi and tell Mike to write me or email me, so I can keep in contact with him along with Brad and Kyle, If you can. And I have not seen the president’s daughter or got the package yet. But the chances are I will get the package and never even see her. But I look forward to it and thank you so much for all you do.

Con Amor
Elder Bigelow

ps. Saturday is the day of the worker. What a joke.... haha no one here works. The hours are like 10 to 1 then 5 to 7. Or usually just one of the two. haha so Saturday may 1st happy day of the worker.

pps so Lindsey is moving now for 5 yrs or what. I didn’t really get that.

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