Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bueno besito

Well this week was an interesting week. We knocked a lot of doors looking for more and new people to teach, cause the people that the elder before me was teaching were crazy and like apostasy. So I had to drop them real quick with Elder Leal. Everyone in this area is way catholic!!! And it’s really hard to talk to them. It is so annoying at times listening to the excuses that they have for us. And all the words we say go in one ear and out the other. It’s so dumb at times. And they try to tell me something about our religion and it is wrong and they tell me something about their religion and that is even more wrong. Just sad that I know more about their religion then they do about it. They don’t teach anything in the schools here about the history of the Catholic Church or anything. Just your dad’s dad’s dad’s dad was catholic so you are too!!! Then whatever apostasy thing the priest says in church they think is right. ahh!!!! They are crazy. But its ok we are doing alright.

Working with some members and getting some good stuff done. We are trying to work with these two kids who are of age to go on a mission but are kinda inactive so we are really working with them and president Lindahl received revelation about one of them in specific and so we are really working with him trying to get his confidence up and get him to do splits with us or something and have a good time with him and show him how fun the mission is and the blessing that comes from it. So we will see how that goes.

The baptism that we were going to have on Saturday fell through. She didn’t come so me and another elder in my district made the 45 minute walk from The chapel to her house and to get her and bring her and when we got there she just invited us in and talked for a second and said she was sick...but that’s the typical argentine. She did not want to leave the house cause it was cold. She claimed that her blood pressure had fallen...how do you even tell that or feel that????? Then we explained it was Satan working on her telling her these things and to say them. Then she got all offensive and said we didn’t kiss her the other day when we visited and told her that we can’t and that was wrong of us. And we didn’t call her the night before to say hi. And we came to her house at 8 one night and interrupted her getting ready for bed. And said all this stuff trying to blame it on us. haha so crazy. So I dunno, it was weird and then she didn’t come to church yesterday cause she was offended. just all sorts of weird stuff. And that’s not even half of some of the people here.

I went to do a baptismal interview for the other elders the other day and the lady was outside and just looked way scared when we got there and said she can’t be baptized and then said she was ready and do the interview right there. Then just said amen and walked inside the house.... it was crazy. Needless to say she did not get baptized.

Yesterday at church we had two return missionaries come to the branch. They served here 14 years ago and are back visiting. They were way cool. And in Priesthood, one brother talked about home teaching and some guys got way offended and it turned into a huge argument. Cause no one here does home teaching they just leave it to us missionaries to do it they think. But us and the other RM´S fixed it and calmed everyone down a bit. Wow it was crazy. This whole area is just crazy but fun.

So Lindsey moved out to Louisiana. Wow that is crazy!!! Well that was way random. But cool that will be fun. Letters I do love getting them. I especially love them from my friends. Just not many of them write anymore cause they are on missions and when they do write I then write all of you and send them with that letter cause it is way cheaper for me that way. But email from all you is fine and the occasional letter. Its not a big deal that is fine. As for the thermals, just whatever you want to send me I am good with garments for now maybe by Christmas or something would be good to send more. But I dunno. I just want something to keep me warm walking out here. It’s cold. haha well I miss you and I hope all is going well. Pray for this area and that we will find a family or two to teach and to baptize. It’s really dead and the past elders did some really dumb stuff. It’s like re-starting it. That’s all I need and the language. I hope everything is still going good for all of you and know that your always in my thoughts and prayers.

Con Amor
Elder Bigelow

ps anything about mike gagon? Do any of my friends still get this forwarded to them or is it just family now?

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