Monday, October 4, 2010

milagros...buenos y malos

September 20,2010

this week was a really good week. here we in a new transfer and i am still zone leader and have a new companion and he is from boston. really cool guy and we have about the same time. he has a little more then i do. but it is fun and we have a totally new zone and it is young and we are excited with the potential that we have to go and win the cup this transfer and have a really successful fun transfer together.

wednesday this week is the 22 my birthday. i will be working so dont think i will be out partying. no big deal. but just thought i would remind all of you that has wedding aniversaries and all that stuff surrounding my birthday. so that you can remember and not forget again........hahahha just joking but it will be good i have service to do and some really good appointments already planned. no one in my area knows. we are just not telling anyone.

but on tuesday last week it was morera— last day here in san juan after 9 months in the province. so it was pretty sad for him and we went and visited some of his converts. and one family, the ruiz family. they are super poor and live in this back alley way with a side path that breaks off and goes a ways back and with other houses then you get to theres in the back corner. its a little sketchy but they are awesome. we talked and visited and one of them had a headache and so they did this thing called a cucurucho... or in english it translates to cone.... i had always heard of it and stuff but never actually seen it and wanted to see it really bad. its a medical treatment that they do here.... haha they get a news paper and roll it into a cone shape and put the point generally on the head or the ear (but later found out anywhere that you have pain) and the light the big end on fire and hold it there. and when smoke starts to come out of the flame, that means that the bad air or pain is leaving your head or that part of the body. and that is the medical treatment. it is hillarious, but it is the culture. i love it. i got to see it in person and the described it to me and i got a couple pictures. there also is another one with a had a cup of water and an egg they do i am waiting to see. haha i love it its the best.

but we had an amazing week elder hopkin and i. we went by this lady that was a member reference, and when we got there we talked to her and told her that we needed to talk to her and bring more peace and joy into her life. and she started crying and told us that her son died two months ago in a moto accident. and so we got in and taught her a little bit and bore lots of strong testimony and shared tears together. and afterwards she felt alot better and had a smile on her face and told us that it was the first time in two months she had been able to have a smile on her face. it was a way good lesson and super spiritual for all of us i loved it. we didnt have a lesson planned, and we did not follow a single lesson outline, we just followed the promptings of the spirit and he guided us the way that we needed to go. super good way to start off the week.

then the other day after we had lunch and bought some stuff for the zone and to help us to verify a little better we were on our walk back to the pensh and i dunno why but i took us on a different path back one i never had taken before just to see the way it was and how it is. so we went that way and at this time there never is anyone on the streets they all are taking a nap and sfuff. but we were approached by a woman as we were passing and she stopped us and asked if we were sent by god... i thought she was drunk or something. but we told her yes and she broke down to tears and then told us that her mother had died two days ago and she had been praying to have someone from god come to help her to deal with this thing that had happened in her life. i was so shocked!!! she then asked us to pray for her and to help her and ask god to bring peace in her life and to help her to understand. so we bore testimony again and with no one at all in the street. we knelt and prayed with her and it was very special moment for all of us.... something i dont think i will forget.

so here in san juan the people are very visionary and dreamers. they have dreams of god and jesus and things all the time and it is very interesting to hear and talk about with them and this last week we heard alot of that type of things. but one that was very interesting is that this lady had a dream about 7 glowing trees that god showed her and that is was important to her. and then he showed her 7 angels that he said were his chosen. then she saw happiness and sadness in her own life. and it was interesting but my comp and i kinda explained about the seven dispensations of time and how that works and that she would be happy with the gospel or could be sad without out. not and interprtation but just trying to help how ever we could. and it was a good lesson.

and the other day the assistants came back up here and the mision is going to start a pilot program here to work and get help from the members casue we are doing so well and it is the top zone in the mission so we are going to be starting that. it was really cool. then that same night we had stake priesthood meeting and it was awesome the stake president had me come up and explain how we beat the goal we set last year to get 148 baptisms in the stake and today we have 152 that we beat it last month and are still growing on it. and so i explained that and bore my testimony and it was a really good meeting i loved it, super spiritual and reallly focussed on the youth and how they need to serve misions and go out on splits with us. which we do with some of them and it is really good lots of success and fun time for all of us.

all and all this week was a really good week and i loved it. the spirit was with us guiding us and helping us in all that we did. i need it more though and more of its help. we are trying to get inactive families reactivated and we need them to feel the spirit and more then anything our investigators and the zone to have the spirit stronger impressed on their hearts and minds. i love you all and miss you very much. have a party for me on wednesday, eat cake and celebrate cause we all know the 22 of september is the best and the favorite child was born that day... haha

con amor
elder bigelow

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