Monday, September 13, 2010


August 13, 2010

Well this week is transfer week and I am still zone leader here in san Juan, but my comp is leaving and I am getting a new companion, he has one transfer more then me and is a gringo, I am really excited we will have a lot of fun together and have tons of success. All is going well though. I was really happy to hear from all of you today and hear that all of you are doing so well. Sounds like everyone is having fun in all sorts of different ways. Austin has inspired me to want to do a triathlon after the mission. I have it written down as one of my goals and aspirations. And Ben gave me some really good laughs with that video. And everything was good to hear especially that Alta won, and that byu has a sweet schedule and will be really fun to watch.

This week nothin to big happened. We have this lady Maria and her son Lucas that we are teaching and they are great. I am loving it with them and they are progressing well and we expect them to be baptized here in the next couple weeks. I sent home a dvd with an elder that finished his mission today and he will be mailing it to you so expect it here in the next week or so. And all is going well. I got bit in the back of the leg the other day by a big dog, it was right below the butt and it was really weird it ripped my pants but not the garments.... and it got my leg... but I dunno I had the mesh ones on so it probably just went through one of the little holes is all. But it hurt really bad and the day before my comp got bit in the hand by a boxer dog. So we had a good week with the dogs it appears.

We went up to zonda yesterday for church in this tiny branch from our ward. And it is in a house there and we go every week. But yesterday about thirty people came and I was sitting in the dirt it was a lot of fun and very interesting I loved it. The church is growing and doing so well here I love it and love to see all the success that is taking place and am very proud to be apart of it all. Such a special experience to see it and be with it.

I dont have much time I need to go and do meetings with the zone and get the elders ready for their transfers and tell everyone who is going and who is staying. But I love you and miss you tons. Take care and let me know asap when you get that dvd and letters.

Con Amor

Elder Bigelow

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