Sunday, May 15, 2011

feliz pascua

well easter was good. got an excuse from an investigator that her tooth hurt so she could not come to church and when i told her taht my dad is a dentist and i know how to check teeth and asked to look at it and see how it was she told me the pain went away and there was nothing to be seen in her mouth anymore! so that was a little funny, never heard taht excuse in my time here in the mission but just about all others yes. so there is a first time for everything i guess.

but this week we had a good week. nothing to special happened. just the same old work work work schedule! but we tore it up still. just a little hard cause the catholic church makes it a whole week holiday that no one works or goes to school or the buses dont run as much. so it was a little tough but it was really good. i still had fun. and we found some pretty cool people see what we can do with them. one lady is a missionary for the catholic church but disagrees witha ll its teachings so we will see what will come with her. and that is about it.

dont send like any more packages by the way the argentina government is in a fight with the postal service and they say any packages in the mail they are going to open and take out any food or new clothes that are in it. that started a couple weeks ago. just to let you konw... but letters and things are still fine. so if you send a package be safe about it.

things are great. just a little tough with a super trunky companion. but i am fighting through it i think i will be away from him soon and be able to have the comp i want and area i want hopefully. but we are doing well. i am really loving it here and am realizing how big of changes have come into my life from my time serving the lord. it is so special to me and will always be something of so much importance of what i have done here and the people i have met. and the work continues and is still going forward. thanks for all your thoughts and your prayers and help with school or work or whatever it is greatly appreciated. i love you all and miss you. im sorry to hear about donna but she is in a better place and is happy there. take care and have a good week

con amor
elder bigelow

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