Saturday, June 5, 2010

buena semana

May 31,2010

Hola hola hola

Well this week was a good week. It started off a bit difficult but we were working hard and by the end of the week it really exploded for us and we were teaching a lot more. And it was really cool and a lot of fun. It is really interesting at times walking in the middle of the campo with no one around us and stuff at times. And this coming week we have zone conference and one of the area authorities is coming down. A 70, Elder Zivic is his name. So the whole mission is like on over load stress from the leaders and stuff to like impress him or something. So its kinda funny how that has been going this week. But it will be cool. We have to wake up at 3 on Thursday to go to Mendoza to get there on time and everything so that will be good. And this last Thursday we had to leave at 5 to go to San Rafeal to go to have interviews with president. Lots of waking up early and taking long bus rides.

This week a couple funny experiences. We were walking in the campo, Elder Leal and I and we were just talking about whatever stuff we wanted, and he goes over and sees this huge like 12 foot tree branch on the side of the road and picked it up and started swinging it around and stuff saying it was his ´flame sword´ haha it was hilarious, he had it with him about a mile and a half of walking or more. And he was telling me about swords and things while I was talking about letters that I got cause I had just got letters from the Shurtz and a couple friends and the young women in the ward. And we would trade off talking and asking questions. And he would tell me about swords and dragons and stuff, and I would tell him about girls I liked, my friends, and how like all the girls I liked before the mission don’t write me at all anymore and how like we all knew it would happen. All of my friends and I talked about it and me telling the girls I knew they wouldn’t write and now I am like a prophet, cause they don’t. Haha and then he would tell me about classes he took for this stuff and like show me moves and things in the streets it so funny the difference in conversation but somehow relate it all back.

Then the other night we were walking and just had the light of the stars and the moon and it was pitch black and freezing and a pack of like 10 dogs came at as! They were trying to bite us and things but they are so cowardly, once you bend over to pick up a rock and they turn and run away or kick at them and they run off. So nothing bad happened. But it was funny just randomly in the middle of nowhere ten dogs just went off on us.

We found an amazing investigator this week. He was listening to the missionaries like a year ago and stuff just never came to church cause he has work, but now he is planning on coming. He has read the Book of Mormon twice cover to cover and knows its true he feels so good when he reads it and understands everything so well and has prayed and knows its true. We just have to figure out a way to get him to come to church so he can be baptized, but it was so random and lucky we found him. We just talked to him in the street and said to come over and we did and we had an awesome lesson. And it was a testimony to me that with hard work and doing our part the Lord always does his. The same thing happened in Trapiche as you know, but I am starting to see the blessings a little bit from the work we are doing here. It’s hard but fun at the same time. Very Catholic and atheist but things are starting to go our way and I am excited to see what happens.

We started our Book of Mormon challenge yesterday in church, and this little 9 year old girl named Yasmin, comes every Sunday with her grandma but her mom is anti Mormon and wont let her get baptized. But on Sunday she came to me and asked if she could have a book to give to her mom to read and learn. It was so cute and cool for me. This girl is so amazing and smart I want to baptize her but her mom is so against it. It is tough. Then in that same day another little boy a convert of the last elders took three from us and said he was going to hand them out on his walk home that is an hour and a half walk cause he wants to be a missionary someday. So freaking cool, these kids are stronger and better then I was like 5 years ago or less. Haha, really is so special seeing it.

This all reminds me of a few weeks ago a blessing I gave to a new little baby that was sick. Really a cool experience I never told you about cause I forgot. But her name was Milagros.... haha which means miracles. And it truly was a miracle. I found out later she was born from a smoker mom and born early and got sick from the cold but now is totally fine. And better, one it is the coolest name and I think I want to name my daughter that. And two my first blessing I had actually given and it was in Trapiche. But it was really special for me. No like amazing spirit or experience, I have others of those but I just heard more about it the other day and made me really happy to know and I loved the name in the first place but now even more.

Things are good. My shoes are getting worn from walking so much and kicking rocks all day, but they should last, and I still have my other pair I have worn very little thus far in my mission.

I love you all and I miss you. I hope all is well and keep being so awesome

con amor y bueno besito
Elder Bigelow

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