Sunday, June 27, 2010

Catching up with Letters from Zack

July 7, 2010


Well that is really sad to hear about Donna and Lois and them now being separated. But it will only be for a short time and the second coming and Resurrection is right around the corner as well so no need to be down or sad. Sounds like it was a really eventful week and that you had some good things happen. That sounds awesome to have the Shurtz and Kunz family for a dinner once a month that would be a way good idea I think. I love those families and they are pretty much my second and third family. They have done a lot for me and I am so very thankful for them and all that they did and continue to do for me.

Well this week was really cool. We got to go on a bus on Thursday morning at 3 to go to Mendoza for a zone conference with elder Zivic, from the seventy. He gave a really good talk about faith and obedience. It was really good and I got to see and talk to Elder Harvey my comp in the mtc and Elder Roberts that is my age from Alta. it was really good to be with those guys all day and be hanging out and catching up. Then we came back and got home really late and went to bed then the next day I did divisions as a district leader for the first time. And I went with a brand spankin new elder and we worked in my area. It was really good and that was the start of the giving me one of the best weeks I have had yet in the mission.

I have been praying to find and teach more people and stuff cause when I got here this area was just dead. But slowly and slowly it has been getting better and better. and after we taught this one kid for the first time we were in the middle of no where and walking back to the city and decided to start knocking doors on this street i have never been on before. And typical we were getting rejected like mad and sfuff cause there is an evangelical church on the corner of the street and everyone is of that church cause it is closest to them. But then, the last house of course we knock it, and no one answers. And as we were leaving we heard a little baby laugh. So we turned and looked back and around the corner of this house tucked in the back was another tiny little door with a light on. So we went and knocked it and Elder Hancock in his broken Spanish told the lady we were missionaries from Christ and we are here to share a message. And she let us in and we taught this family of 5 that was there and 4 were 8 and older. And the dad and oldest brother were not home yet. But they were very interested and it was amazing. Every single one of their faces I recognized and had seen before. And I taught and spoke better then I have thus far in my mission. And then we invited them to church and on Sunday all the kids came except the oldest brother and they loved it and are really excited one of them already told us he wants to get baptized. So that was really cool and special for me.

We had 5 in church on Sunday 4 from this family but only 3 counted cause the other is less then 8. And we taught the rest of the family and it all went really well and I am so excited. We were expecting to have 10 or 11 in church but only 5 made it. But still I had the most amazing experiences and week. My testimony really grew and was strengthened from this and shows me even more the special power of prayer and of fasting. I love it. I love this work and am so grateful to be here and be apart of this. The feeling and name I get to represent every day is so special and unforgettable. I love you all and hope all is going well. I miss you and have you in my prayers keep this family and all of our investigators in you prayers.

Con Amor

Elder Bigelow

ps. did dad or Ben or Austin ever train? I might be next transfer. And what leadership was Ben and Austin in. dad was DL but any more?

pss can I buy a couple things? p day shoes mine are wrecked, and a blender maybe?

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