Sunday, January 17, 2010

Letter from Zack

January 13, 2010

hola hola

Well... I got transferred... I now have a Latin comp his name is Elder Gutierrez from Columbia. And I live with two other Latin’s. Three in all. None of them speak English. It is tough but I am learning a ton and it is amazing the gift of tongues I have already received a little bit. I am able to talk to them and to understand for the most part. It is really cool and the investigators and members understand me and don’t just ignore me but rather talk to me. They all thought I had a lot more time in the mission then one month they were all shocked when I told them. I love it here. The members are amazing and the whole area is great. The area is called TRAPICHE, in Godoy Cruz, which is in Mendoza. So I am really close to the offices and right next to down town Mendoza. It’s a nice area. I love it and the people are a lot nicer here then in San Rafael. My area in San Rafael got closed both me and Ayer left. It was hard to say goodbye to the members especially on such short notice. But I love it in my new area I am learning so much and it is great.

We had 4 in church yesterday!!! And... We have 3 baptisms this week!!! In which I am getting in the water for two of them. I am way excited they are such awesome people. One is on Wednesday her name in Anna Maria and is awesome, always such good questions and she loves church and has a great testimony. She asked if I would get in the water and baptize her. I was shocked and said yes. I am so excited. She is about 50 years old and had a lot of trials in her life but the church has helped her realize why and what comes of life. I bore my testimony to her about my trials and she was tearing up and that was when she knew I was to baptize her she had a dream that night about the baptism and I was in the water with her. The next day was when she asked me if I would do the honors. Wow, yeah what an honor... ha I cant believe how things are going now. The other I am baptizing is on Saturday with a woman that Gutierrez is baptizing cuz he found her and stuff and yeah. But this guy has a sister who is a member and was looking to change his life and she said to talk to us so he did. He has changed big time!!! About 45 years old and smoked 60 cigarettes a day now Saturday he had 3 it is amazing the change he has had since feeling the spirit and love of god in his life.

Your prayers have been felt and answered thank you so much for your thoughts and your prayers. It is amazing to see the blessings that come from sincere prayer and love for God and obeying his commandments. This work is so awesome and I love it so much!!!

Friday we had a wedding we were invited to so we went and it was weird. It was in a shopping center and the pictures were in the parking lot.... but they got married that’s what is important. The guy was converted last transfer and is awesome.

I love you all and you’re in my prayers.


Elder Bigelow

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